Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Capping Off 2010, Not a Bad Year for Sony

Recently, Sony hasn't been quite as good as they used to be (by recently I mean on a grand scale with regards to Sony's lengthy history). Back in the 70s and 80s during Sony's prime years, Sony was the most unmatched brand in consumer electronics, creating the most innovative products of the highest quality including the beloved Walkman Cassette Player, the legendary Trinitron colour television, and later on the Playstation.

Recently though, the likes of Google, Apple and Microsoft have taken over the innovative throne that Sony had once conquered. However by all means, 2010 has seen a return to form (and profitability) from the Sony Corp. and has provided us a brief look of things to come.

Let's take a look at Sony's product milestones of 2010:

  • Sony Bloggie Touch noted as best pocket camera for 2010 by PCMag: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2372801,00.asp
  • Sony Cybershot HX5V noted as best point and shoot camera for 2010 by PCMag:                 http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2372801,00.asp        
  • Sony VAIO Z voted as 'Best Notebook of All Time' by APC: http://apcmag.com/the-best-notebook-of-all-time.htm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

And that pretty much caps off a great year of products for Sony, and with the major global re-branding of Sony under the new slogan 'make.believe' and the introduction of the QRIOCITY online store I can't help but be a little excited of things to come in 2011 and beyond.

1 comment:

  1. What this means is that all of your Android-specific data isn't just stored in your Android phone or tablet.
