Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rundown of PSP Phone ESSENTIALS

PSP PHONE! Definitely PSP Phone.
Lets face it, we're all wanting a PSP phone and the PSP phone is also one of the most highly anticipated of this year, and we don't even know whether it's going to happen or not.
But all signs point to yes, there will be a PSP phone, the main reason is why not have one? Everyone wants it, it could compete with the iPhone, increase market potential of the Playstation Platform and earlier in the year Sony applied a patent for a touchscreen controller like device most likely to be used on the PSP2 or Playstation Phone.
This is a quick run down of what the PSP Phone NEEDS to have:
  • Android
  • Dedicated gaming controller (touchpad or physical buttons but hopefully touchpad)
  • More stupid games (like iPhone games (Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja etc...) which should be taken care of by the use of the Android OS)
  • Playstation Network and QRIOCITY
  • PS3 connectivity
  • Very good battery life as games are extremely battery intensive
Desirable features of the PSP Phone
  • OLED screen
  • Walkman Player
  • XMB interface?? Maybe, maybe not.
However, a PSP phone, if not done right, could be a major flop and almost erase (at least for quite some time) hope of Sony regaining their head in mobile gadgets.
To be a success, the PSP phone must be a success the first time, not just ok the first time and then improved through software updates or gradual new hardware reiterations. The only time that Sony is going to get considerable coverage on the media for this device will be on the first and initial release and Sony must ride this and generate enough sales to invite developers and its simple from there.
Sony must first think, what device do they want the PSP phone to be. The thing that has made the iPhone so successful (lets just forget about the extremely effective marketing for starters) isn't because its a great gaming/random app device, not because its a great communication device, not because it is a great portable computing device. It is because they successfully combined all of these in the most perfect and appealing ratio. This is probably Sony's most difficult dilemma, what should they do, should it be a gaming device with communication functions, or a communication device with gaming functions.
The recent speculation that the PSP Phone won't support current PSP games is an outrage! There is no greater crime for Sony than to release a gaming phone THAT DOESNT SUPPORT THESE GAMES. If Sony thinks they can get away with just having iPhone quality games than they are sadly mistaken, why would one pick up a PSP phone if it is no better than an iPhone?
The PSP Phone will most likely run the ANDROID OS meaning it should also be able to use Android Applications being an added bonus.
On a side note, lets hope that the images of the apparently leaked Playstation Phone are fake, because it is truly hideous.

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