Thursday, November 25, 2010

Flex Oled, please. hurry. up

Often, we think of which products in history have changed the world the most. And what possibilities new products and technologies open up. Even though, i mentioned in my previous post, that any product can sell as long as the right marketing technique is utilised, it is these new things that have the greatest potential to be runaway successes, these products that are unlike any other and bring something absolutely new to the table.
What products or technologies do we think fit into this category? Microsoft Kinect is the one that is currently springing to my mind. Despite Sony's move being more accurate and more capable for a higher variety of games, Kinect as we know it will probably outsell Move by the million simply because people have never seen anything like it.
This is why Sony needs to roll out FLEX OLED soon.
Currently, Sony's business strategy is good, however Apple has shown us that critically successful and marvellously engineered products aren't always the way to go. Take for example the current touch screen ipod nano, lets face it its so useless, yet its successful because its like no other.
Sony products have always been best in a pure engineering and spec war, VAIO computers at the best are always more powerful for a power for size ratio than others, Walkman MP3s have always had better sound quality than the rest of the competition, BRAVIA televisions have always been amongst the best for picture quality, but this might not matter.
FLEX OLED could be the product that changes Sony. Make Sony a more influential brand in the eye of most consumers, Flex Oled devices don't have to be heavily specced or extremely powerful, the presence of Flex Oled will open up new doors for interactive user interfaces and appeal to everyone in the way that the iPod touch and iPad have, this will be a product for everyone, not just spec loving business men.
Sony has the ability to create amazing technologies, but are so often too late to bring them to the market and let the others get ahead of them. Flex Oled will be a game changer especially in e-book readers and computers and if Sony gets a good headstart on the competition it could make a huge difference.

Sony's prototypes look interesting, let's hope they don't break their fans hearts again and bring too little, too late.

Flex Oled VAIO concept above.

Video link here:
Video link for FLEX OLED WALKMAN concept:


  1. hopefully sony will bring an OLED laptop to market soon

  2. thanks for the comment :D you write the walkman blog dont you?
    and yess hopefully they do, at least before the other brands do
