Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hello, I have a Very Important Announcement

So, I have a bit of an announcement to make. Or a VIA (Very Importance Announcement). To me, this blog is basically my little arena to write and express my opinions on gadget companies and the trends in the consumer electronics scene. My head is constantly flowing with thoughts of 'how I would this', 'what's happening over there' and 'I see potential in this'. Put simply, to prevent a brain explosion I unload it all on this very blog. This small blog. To you, well, I don't know what this blog is. It could be just something you read every now and again to add dimension to your technology news, it could be a place for you to laugh at what this silly guy is talking about or perhaps you just ended up here in passing. 

Nevertheless, this blog has evolved from a Sony opinion and news blog that it was when I started it half a year ago to an opinion blog on all things gadgets and tech. The current blog URL doesn't reflect this change. Yes, I'm going to do the unthinkable and move to a new address. 

As of now, this blog will be operating under a new URL that is deliberately ambiguous to keep up with any evolutions it may encounter in the future.

I'm continuing with the 'Pony' theme, I like the character. 

I have registered a new URL, so The Sony Pony will still be around. It just won't  be getting updated as much, or ever again. I've also imported (exported?) all my opinion pieces to Geeky Pony so you can also access some of the content on this blog there too. 

It will take some time to regain traffic but it's a change that I feel has to happen. After all, it didn't feel right blogging about other companies on a blog named 'The Sony Pony'. 

Rest assured, my content will not change one bit.I will continue to write thought inducing editorial , comment on the big news and express my opinions on all things tech. And as long as you remember and know the new URL, you'll be able to keep up too. If you forget? Don't worry, 'The Sony Pony' will still be around with a link to the new blog, and perhaps I'll continue to update it with specifically Sony news that isn't suitable for the new blog. 

For now, adios. And I'll see you at Geeky Pony.

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