Friday, January 28, 2011

UPDATE: Sony confirms NGP won't be '599 US Dollars'.

'It's not going to be $599 (LOL)," 
       - Shuhei Yoshida (SCE Senior Vice President of Product Development)

Shuhei Yoshida laughed off the notion of the NGP being priced the notorious number.
Apparently it will be 'affordable', however Sony's definition of affordable is generally vastly different to the rest of the population.
Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) CEO Jack Tretton though made hints that it would be more expensive than the Nintendo 3DS's $250 (which is fair enough).

We won't be too optimistic though, Yoshida didn't rule out $598.


  1. or $597, $596, $595, $594, $593..........

  2. I take it you were pleasantly surprised?

  3. to be honest I wasn't surprised at the fact that it wasn't $599 (that would be ridiculous). But the fact that they've made it only $250 is unbelievable
