About Me

Welcome to The Sony Pony.

This blog is for people who want a personal and opinionated look on technology trends and Sony news. It's also a place where I just express my opinions on the general 'goings ons' of the tech world and tech companies. I couldn't find anyone off the top of my head who would possibly care which is how this blog came to be.

As you might have read from my profile already my name is Jeremy, male obviously, 15 years of age and currently a 10th grade student in high school. My passion and interest in consumer electronics started 4 or so years ago when I got my first phone. It was a W880i Walkman phone, which was a brilliant gadget. I still have it but don't use it as after undergoing many accounts of physical abuse it has refused to turn on. 

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with Sony. I love their technologies most of the time but some of their product releases and decision making drives me absolutely nuts. That's really why this weblog came to be. This blog isn't only about Sony though, I will also be discussing and analysing other companies in the consumer electronics space.


Favourite quotes:

"A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business"
    - Henry Ford

"You see things as they are and ask: why? We dream things that never were and ask: why not?
    - Noboyuki Idei

"Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected"
    - Steve Jobs

"Everything starts from the heart. It is impossible to conceive a product without heart. By satisfying people's hearts, science gains value in itself."
    - Masaru Ibuka

"You have to live to survive"
    - Lia Sorgen